• About me

  • When you are in physical or emotional pain you experience life through a narrow lens

    I approached yoga in my twenties having suffered from undiagnosed fatigue, depression, and anxiety since childhood. That experience led me, over many years, to explore the practices that I offer you today – knowing that sustainable change can only be achieved by diving deeply into the body and making friends with what is there.


    Every time my anxiety and fatigue resurfaced, particularly when I was bringing up my treasured son (not having been able to fully resolve my own childhood trauma with talking therapy), it became clearer and clearer that inhabiting my body and experiencing the full spectrum and intensity of its feelings and emotions with acceptance and compassion was the only solution. Deferring to the body’s inner intelligence and ability to heal was key. This, of course, proved to be true when trying to address physical imbalances as well.


    Thirty or so years on, I continue to explore my body with playfulness and ease, both in movement and in stillness and it never ceases to surprise and amaze me.

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    From pain and separation to ease and connection


    My aim as a teacher is to facilitate your personal journey and help you transform your experience of your body and mind as a source of pain and separation into a place of ease, space and connection. My hope is that you will come to experience the energy of a truly alive body, the clarity and resilience of a calm mind and the joy that comes with intimate connection - to yourself, to others and beyond.




  • I am grateful to all my teachers


    It is with deep gratitude that I acknowledge all the teachers who have helped me on my own journey and teaching path.


    I received my Yoga Teacher Diploma from the British Wheel of Yoga (BWY) in 1996, following three years of study. The BWY qualification is recognised throughout the UK education system and is regulated by Office for Qualifications and Examinations Regulation (Ofqual).


    I have spent many years layering on this foundation - studying with world class teachers to weave together my own approach – Intuitive Yoga.


    Intuitive Yoga was born out of my own personal experience of somatic practices and Scaravelli inspired yoga as taught by John Stirk, Gary Carter, Sophie Whiting and Rossella Baroncini.


    Scaravelli Yoga teaches us that we need to do less in order to feel more. Rather than “doing” a movement or a pose, which often perpetuates our habits, we learn to undo those habits by getting to know our body and gradually restoring its natural freedom. “Don’t try to become; you are” Vanda Scaravelli wrote.


    Studying with these Scaravelli inspired teachers and applying their wisdom to heal my emotional and physical pain, showed me that this subtle and unconventional approach to movement made sense – both from an anatomical point of view and, more importantly, from an experiential point of view. I understood that the body already has an innate ability to heal; all we need to do is reconnect with it, and its natural intelligence will do the rest.


    More recently, after three years of study, I graduated as a Somatic Movement Educator with the School for Body-Mind Centering ®, which has brought the somatic aspects of my practice and teaching to the forefront. I will add more information about this somatic approach shortly.  


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    Please don’t delay getting the help you need

    I am passionate about sharing the full potential of Scaravelli inspired yoga and somatic practices. I would love to help you transform any deep rooted physical and mental patterns and access a more peaceful and harmonious way of being. It has given me great pleasure to witness this transformation in many of my students, whose quality of life has (sometimes dramatically) improved. Many of them have experienced a decrease in chronic pain, physical and mental tension, emotional overwhelm and an increase in their mobility, their ability to relax, to enjoy better eating and sleeping habits and a better relationship with themselves and others.

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